UrbanPerspectiV intro:

My photo
Philadelphia, Pa, United States
Welcome to UrbanPerspectiV BLOG. . Online Media ... all photography in this BLOG was shot by myself ... #Philly metro area ...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Witches Brew

Witches Brew
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
It sure looks like it doesn't it? :)
You can almost see some old hag stirring her cauldron of "this and that"
This image is really some old bucket of water in an alley. It's now got this "scum" of some sort on top of the water. And the stick was already in there.
Besides the colorful pattern of the "scum" on the surface, i thought the reflection from the trees on the water made for a compelling image.
Please be sure to click on the image to see this in a larger version and on a black background.
(I know some of my "fans" wander why I always include the click on the image for larger sizes statement on all of my posts, but keep in mind my blog is seen daily around the world ( I love the latter part of what I just said) ...for the first time for some people. That's why I include that statement)
**Technical mumbo jumbo** (You don't really have to read this part if you don't want to) I didn't want to "wash out" the colorful pattern of the top layer of scum on the water, so I shot this image without the flash, and went into Av (Aperture priority mode) That EXIF info is listed on my Flickr page for this image (you'll have to clik on "Properties" to view that info. Time of day was around sunset, so the daylight was fast fading, however, it was just enough to capture the reflection of the trees as well as colors on the water. I actually chose a small aperature (F14) I think, because there was a slight breeze causing ripples on the water, and I did want a little bit more depth of field than a larger aperature would have provided. I did try a larger aperature (using a standard 18mm-55mm focal length lens) at a much closer range to the water. But that yielded a completely new image..... and not as interesting as the final one I chose.

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