UrbanPerspectiV intro:

My photo
Philadelphia, Pa, United States
Welcome to UrbanPerspectiV BLOG. . Online Media ... all photography in this BLOG was shot by myself ... #Philly metro area ...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Dawn's Glow

Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Some shots can only be captured within a certain window of opportunity
So you best believe I'm gonna be all on it if I see it.
I went out back one early morning and saw that orange reddish glow.
I darn near tripped up the steps runnin to grab my camera....and then hurry back down that same flight of stairs, then dash through the house to get out back again. Keepin fingers crossed and hoping my "shot" would still be there ....which it was.
Shortly after I snapped the image..... the orange glow disappeared and it turned a "normal" color.
But then again..... what is normal??

The Urban Perspective
click on the image to see the larger version of this

The Fly..and his Cronies

I shot this one in an apple orchard in Kennett Square, Pa.

Makes you wander if a human took a bite and then tossed it OR.....
was is totally devoured by underworld factions.... (chuckles like Mutley)

You're now in The Urban Perspective :)

You can see the larger version by clicking on the image

2 Cool

2 Cool
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Why didn't these 2 want to play along?.....

Guess we'll never know

..... street shot , Center City District , Philadelphia

....now showcased at The Urban Perspective

Be sure to clik on the image and view this in larger sizes to see the full picture

"A Little Big Deal"

"A Little Big Deal"
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
I was out photoshooting in the Olde City District in downtown Philly.... and saw something interesting....

You can check out the larger size by clicking on the image.


Simple.. Sophisticated.. Chic (sheek)


Metro Philly
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Street shot in the Center City District of Philadelphia.

See the larger version by clicking on the image.

I shot this one along the Ben Franklin Parkway, looking towards the Art Museum

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Inside the Comcast tower

You get around any which way you can in this city :)

This was shot inside the lobby of the Comcast Skyscraper in downtown Philaelphia.

{{{ BLOG }}}

Why Not Follow ?? :)

Somethin For the Fellas
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
I'm starting to put Twitter to "use" now.
I used to scoff at the thought of setting up an account there..just to say I had one.
Now that I have my small photography business, I'm seeing the advantages of promotion using it.
Anyways, all photography contained in this {{{ BLOG }}} is all Original Content shot by me.... and taken primarily with my DSLR Canon EOS Rebel XS.
Welcome to the Urban Perspective......... Hope you'll follow :)

Philly Skyline

Philly Skyline
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
If you're just "Twittin Over" for the first time,..........

Welcome .... to The Urban Perspective ......

Showing you "The Ordinary" in an "Extraordinary" way :)

I shot this image in my home base of Philly. This was shot around the 15th& Market St area of the Center City District.

All images in my {{{ BLOG }}} link directly to my Flickr portfolio where you can view them in much larger sizes and in most cases on a black background

Thank U for Twittin Over...... and hopefully you'll follow me on my journey :)


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Red Hot ..and Steamy!!!

Red Hot Charcoal
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
This is a piece of red hot charcoal brickett, with frankincense burning on it.
You can find these sorts of things if you know where to look in Philly.
The charcoal is about 2 inches in diameter, and they come in stacks of about 6 or seven, usually wrapped up in aluminum foil.
If "who ever" is selling these charcoal bricketts, there's usually rock incense around.
Trust me if you have a choice, go with the Frankincense stones. More pleasant fragrance than Myrhh stones.
Anyways, you just light one brickett, and then put on ONE stone only at a time, They tend to produce alot of smoke, so one stone is suffiicient . Make sure your red hot charcoal is on or in a heat resistant surface or container.
So just in case you ever wandered into one of these little shops, and see the charcoal all wrapped up in aluminum, or the small plastic baggies of stones,pebbles labeled with some flavor, (and it's usually only going to be Frankincense or Myrhh, ) ...you won't have to ask yourself ... I wander what that's for?

This Shot is Off the Roof !!

I'm glad I had the chance to capture this image before they got busy on the roof.
I've been wandering how I could tie Twitter into my photo experience. So I created an account there and starting trying out little things here and there.
But now I think I've come up with my own unique little web promotional campaign in conjunction with Twitter.
I couldn't see myself just mindlessly Twiting about "nothing", but with a little slick ingenuity, and my expert **chess psychology** I think I know how to attract more viewers to my {{{ BLOG }}} from Twitter.
If someone linked over from my Twitter post and is reading this.... then I'm on the right track :)
Anyways, hope you might consider becoming a follower of mine, either here on my URBAN PERSPECTIVE {{{ BLOG }}}, or on Twitter.
It's all about good photography in the URBAN PERSPECTIVE

**chess psychology** The mind tactics I use to lure my opponents into traps I've
set up during the course of the game. Subtle camouflages
(chucklin to myself), not everything appears to be what they
thought it would be

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Mysterious Figure"

"Mysterious Figure"
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Is this a ghost? I shot this in the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. Yup, that one right there in North Philly (chuckles like Mutley that cartoon dog )
The place is well documented for paranormal activity. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.... except for bone chillin "cold" spots where it shouldn't have been, but then I got home and eventually downloaded this image.
Now you'll have to view the ORIGINAL size of this to see the large version, as large as your monitor to tell me what's going on here.
It was towards the end of the day , and they were closing down the place when I took this last shot.
If you look closely (in the Original) you will see a "figure" of some sort ...and very tall, with what appears to be dark trousers, and a white Tshirt....but there is no "body" in it ?????????
I sent this image to the Eastern State Penn to see if they could offer an explanation, and have yet to hear back from them.
Well, if somebody can explain, please let me know what's going on here.
Remember, click on the image to see this larger and from there you will have the options to see in much larger sizes.
Of note, this image was shot with my Canon A470 point and shoot at the time, so the resolution won't be as perfect as my Canon EOS Rebel XS shots.
Get back to me , or Twit it (button found if you go to comment on this)


Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
The kinds of things you see in antique stores, or in this case, my grandmother's apartment. I snapped this image one afternoon while I was visiting her.
You can see the larger version by clicking on the image.

Peace Plant

Peace Plant
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Probably NOT what you had in mind :) :) Never the less, when I shot this, it looked like the cactus there in the background is tossing the Peace Sign .
You can click on the image to see a larger version of this.

Glorious is Thy Name

Glorious is Thy Name
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
The African Episcopal Church of St Thomas Gospel Choir had a CD release party the other week. This was their 4th CD release. They are based in Philadelphia., and from what I understand have toured internationally.
Here's where I wished my tax rebate had come back, because I didn't have an external flash bulb at the time, so I just had to work with what I had. Seems like alot of people are "working with what they have" these days and not spending unnecessarily
Anyways, that built in light wasn't sufficient enough, so a little tweek of the ISO speed here.... and shutter speed there, I did manage to capture a couple nice images.
You should check out the one of the outside of the church I took. I BLOGGED a shot I took of The African Episcopal Church of St Thomas it in an earlier post.....
Needless to say, my tax rebate DID finally come, and I was able to get that external flashbulb to mount on the camera for these kinds of light situations. (which by the way is a necessity in my field of work) I don't want Bahiyah scolding me :) She offers sound financial advice and tips. If you remember the old commercial.... "When E.F. Hutton speaks... people listen" So I always check her blog to see what good advice she's offering... and hey, she's even published a book.

Hanging With Mrs. Cooper: Happy Birthday Grandmom

My sister posted this on her BLOG, I thought it very appropriate to link it to mine, since she was my great grandmother as well and would have been 112 years old today.

Happy Birthday Grandmom, you are always loved and remembered :)

Hanging With Mrs. Cooper: Happy Birthday Grandmom


Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
I had the chance to photoshoot Philly's own hot new neo soul artist "Nadjah" a couple weeks ago. I know you'd rather listen to her sing, than read the mumbo jumbo here.
So first, click on her name in the sentence above to link to her ''MySpace"
Anyways, I wanted to start building up my portfolio with more portrait shots of people, to let folk know I can provide that service as well
This was shot in church after her performance .
I was handheld, and didn't lug a tripod along. I know, not the most ideal way to capture portraits.
But, with this young lady always in the studio...or on the road singin, I had to make do with what I had at the time..
Well, what do you think?


Monday, February 23, 2009

Real Life Inspector Gadget Mobile

I looked over above the crowd and see one of the TV satellite trucks.
Couldn't help but think of Inspector Gadget going all crazy in his van with his GO GO GADGET and then he'd say his tool of choice after that.
Some of you probably won't have a clue about this cartoon or what I'm talking about , but for those that remember .... this one's for y'all.
By the way , I shot this image at the Whistle Stop Tour in Wilmington Delaware the weekend before the Inauguration
Remember, you can always click on the image to see the larger version of this


Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Captured this one early morning looking out of my bedroom window

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Late Night Espionage

Got your gear ready?

Something Awry in the Orchard

How bout I go to reach for an apple.... and this is what I see
Imagine reaching in, grabbiing, and feeding your face WITHOUT
looking first. UGH!!
To really get the full impact, just click on the image to see it larger and in greater detail.
By the way, I shot this in Kennett Square, Pa. in an apple orchard

Scene Under The EL

Scene Under The EL
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Street shot in West Philly one winter afternoon.
A young lady appears to be taking a stroll along the Market Frankford ELevated line which is currently under construction.
Click on the image to see this in a larger size

Friday, February 20, 2009


Originally uploaded byI
I shot this image on New Year's Day, down by Boathouse Row in Philadelphia.
It was well below freezing, and I was panning the Schuylkill River (Skool-kill) with my zoom lens lookin for something interesting to shoot.
What I was seeing was too good to be true, as it drifted along.
I had an epiphany ....................... (probably explained in some parallel BLOG... if ya know what I'm saying :)
But for the "right here and now as you know it" crowd.....

you can click on the image and see this in a larger size.... and an alternate ending :)


Monday, February 16, 2009

Sinister Beauty

Sinister Beauty
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66

I thought the title was appropriate , being that I had just listened to that HOT new podcast and MP3 download by Windimoto.
And my image here having a sinister beauty to it.

You can click on the link above, or the one left on this page to hear that podcast for FREE in full.

Some would wander "what's in it for you" by featuring them on my {{BLOG}}.

Well, I've been a fan of DJ Sean Haley from the Chi-town since the 90's, or when House mixes became available on the young internet in the later 90's. You can check out his page by clicking on his name to find out more about his collaboration effort with DJ Scorpeze (link unavailable at this time) to form the group Windimoto.

Now some closed minded fools might stereotype "house" as listened to by certain groups of people. Same like those same fools would stereotype "hip hop" as being listened to by a "certain" element . Music in my eye... or ear.... has no boundaries or limitations on who can listen to what. Feel me?

I think underground house (music), in particular this Sinister Beauty project by Windimoto is a "thee" theme for my URBAN PERSPECTIVE vision. And I'm sure you too will find your groove when you give it a listen.
I could vision my photographic "work" displayed in some chic (sheek) art gallery..... with house (music) being pumped in the background.
You could almost get this same effect, if you went to my photostream and viewed my whole collection as a slideshow, on full screen on your monitor, with the Windimoto Podcast on in the background (and you can start listening to it right from the sidebar on this page) ..... while you go about your business in your apartment, office, or where have you.

I guess I featured it on my Blog, since it is my belief that the Universe will attract back to me the same positive energy that was "sent out" promoting this bangin new MP3 download by Windimoto.

So.... let is be known throughout the land (in wizard of Oz cadence).......... THE URBAN PERSPECTIVE ENDORSES the "house" grooves of WINDIMOTO

Be sure to listen to the free podcast and then consider downloading it to your MP3 player , and it's even compatable with ITunes. That link is here to get to their Windimoto Store to purchase

Pure Urban Perspective

Pure Urban Perspective
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
I shot this one last month, one freezing morning.
Looked out the windows and saw ice and icicles everywhere.
Grabbed ... ye olde Canon Rebel... and started snapping.
Now I've posted a few of those images from that day in my Flickr stream. (you can always see what I'm uploading there by clicking on that flashing Flickr button you see there flashing on your left :)
This evening, I was browsing thru my extensive portfolio of "undecided" images on my PC, and happened upon this image I snapped.
Of course my prime focus was on the icicles, and not necessarily the roof in the background. I liked the image when I first saw it, with the small icicles being in focus....... and really didn't pay attention to the roof top you see there in the background.
I looked at it again this evening "Having New Eyes" ( you can click on Having New Eyes to understand further...also in my Flickr stream)
.... and saw the impact the silhouette of the roof had on the overall image
Nothing was added in thru Photoshop or any other photo manipulation software... this is how I really captured this image.
Be sure to view this in larger sizes by clicking right on the image.
And for even a real treat.... if you view the ORIGINAL size of this you will see some unique detail within the actual waterdrops frozen...

......some still won't understand though

....... this is how we do it



President Barack H. Obama

So, in honor of President's Day, I decided to reupload this image. I had pulled it last month from "circulation" out of concern for unauthorized use. (copying)

I tripled watermarked it, including DigiMarc watermark which is embedded within the image (you won't see it, because it's in binary code)

So I'm comfortable sharing it with the public again.
I really take no joy in visibly marking my images, but in this case I had to make that exception.

Would you believe some people that first saw this image didn't believe I took it?

I stood in subfreezing temps in Wilmington Delaware that
day hoping to maybe catch a glimpse of the President elect at that time. This was part of the historic Whistle Stop Tour the weekend of the Inauguration.
To my surprise, being that I had gotten there about an hour after the gates opened, I managed to get a spot less than 120 feet from the podium . I think it was meant for me to be in that spot and at that particular time.

I snapped a couple hundred images from that day's events, including VP Joe Biden, his wife Jill, and First lady Michelle Obama. Some pics I haven't even uploaded anywhere and sit on my PC :)

You can view this image larger on a black background VIEW ON BLACK

I won't get all political because that is not the intent of my Blog... but I will say this.....
I thank GOD every day that there's somebody in the White House that seems to genuinely care about "normal" "ordinary" American citizens trying to make it day to day

God Bless the President.... and the United States of America


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tip of the Iceberg

Tip of the Iceberg
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
That's what I've been saying to myself over the past few days regarding my photography.
Everything I'm showcasing now is just the tip of the iceberg as to what will follow :)
I shot this image on a bike trail in the Valley Forge "corridor" in Pa.
I was looking specifically for icicles hanging off of "cliff rocks"
Whenever I drive in to work during these frigid temps, I often see these beautiful ice formations on the rocks.
Being that I can't just get out the car and snap a picture, I
opted to try to find them along the bike trail.
This image here was about the only thing that came close to what I see on a much larger scale on the cliffs by the road.
When I downloaded this from my camera, I noticed that I caught a piece of an icicle as it broke off in "mid air". It was the "tip" that had broken off.
If you view this image in it's Original Size (by clicking on the image), you will see what I'm talking about ...towards the bottom of the image where the other icicle is hanging.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Zen Saying

Zen Saying
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66

The Quieter you become........

...... The more you are able to hear

{{{{{ ZEN SAYING }}}}}

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stuck in the Middle

Stuck in the Middle
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
I could go to a whole lot of places with this .......

But I'll let the image speak for your own situation

Decadence at it's Core

Decadence at it's Core
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
"We're" in Atlantic City in this image :)

I'm walking along the boardwalk down there and observe all the construction and hoopla about new luxury casinos and hotels coming soon.
And surprisingly during this state of the economy, all work sites were teaming with action.
I guess they're "gambling" on the economy taking a turn for the better.
Anyways at this particular site, I liked the geometric patterns I was observing in the structure.
In a few months, this same spot will look like some swank, cosmopolitan casino, probably with mirrored windows and bathed in neon flourescent lights .
Hypnotic opulence ...... here at it's core......

Be sure to view this image in it's larger sizes by clicking right on the image.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Bermuda Triangle ...Foreshadow

I snapped this one on the beach down in Atlantic City the other week.

  the Bermuda Triangle "begins" only a few hundred nautical miles East from this point .

The bird eventually flew off towards that horizon........ and was never seen again........

................. Foreshadowed .......
["link"] here to get back to
the main page ... or ["link"] here to get back to where you first started ... choose wise my friend :)

>>click VIEW ON BLACK click<< to see this larger

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66

Nothing like a beautiful sunset to top off a good weekend :)

I was working on some images on my PC and looked out of the window.

Couldn't help but grab the camera, and start snapping.

Hope you enjoy this one as well.

Don't forget, you can always VIEW ON BLACK

In My Little Corner of the World

Believe it or not, this is the Jersey shore, or more specifically
the Atlantic Ocean in Atlantic City.
I shot alot of images that day, so it's taken me a "minute" to sort them all out, and make any last minute touches to them
I liked this image because of it's unique perspective of the Earth, and it's "curvature".
You'll appreciate it better, once you click on the image to see it in a larger size

The African Episcopal Church of Saint Thomas

I've been having some problems with my BLOG editor tool
so that's been the delay
Anyways, I shot this image in front of this church last evening.
During the drive over there, I had one eye on the road....and
the other on the moon.
The sun was in it's final stages of light, and I was hoping to capture an image with those lighting parameters
As luck would have it, once I parked and got to the front of the church, I looked up, and the moon was in the "perfect spot" for me. And to sweeten the deal, there was just enough sunlight left to illuminate the blue and rusty colored hues in the sky.
I was shooting handheld as I took these series of images.
Please be sure to see the larger version of this image by clicking directly on it.

...or click on Glorious Is thy Name to get back to that post

Friday, February 6, 2009


Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
I used to dread the forecast with snow in it.
Mainly getting out and shoveling (I'm not a young kid anymore), and bad drivers.
But now looking on the brighter side.... errr...the photography side of it, snow makes for some beautiful photo ops.
The other night it snowed for a few hours , and I woke up to a winter wonderland.
No way could I stay cooped up in the house.
I grabbed my gear, and headed out.
This is one of the first pics I snapped that day.
Normally when I step outside, without the snow, I wouldn't even give these same houses a second glance.
However, snow, and the way the sun was reflectiing off it yielded some interesting images.
Please be sure to click on the image to see this in a larger size, and for other snow related images I shot that day.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Little Birdy Told Me So

This was shot 5 stories up from an office building.
I didn't realize it until after I downloaded the image , the illusion of a bird's eye view "in flight" .
You can click on the image to see it larger, and see this unique view for yourself

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rock tha Casbah ....

Rock tha Casbah ....
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Doesn't this shot look almost "mythical"? It looks like something out of a fantasy utopia.
But NOPE..... It's the Jersey Shore :)
I took this image while I was down in Atlantic City the other week.

Be sure to check it out in the larger sizes or on the View On Black link

Like this image.....
I have other images in my Urban Perspective Gallery for sale at ImageKind.
Please be sure to stop by there when you get the chance. I appreciate the support :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Alien Sunset

Alien Sunset
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
I had a stick of incense burning, with the window cracked open a little.
The sun was fast setting, and I saw the interesting shapes the smoke was taking on as the breeze entered the room.
Grabbed the camera and began snappin away.
This image out of all of them caught my eye immediately
You can check it out in the larger size when you click on this.

I have other eye opening images for sale at my Urban Perspective Gallery on ImageKind. Please be sure to browse
Thank You , and I appreciate the support


Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
This is in front of Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum in Atlantic City.
I'd love to take my camera up in there one day.
Check this out in the larger size and on black background when you click on this image.