UrbanPerspectiV intro:

My photo
Philadelphia, Pa, United States
Welcome to UrbanPerspectiV BLOG. . Online Media ... all photography in this BLOG was shot by myself ... #Philly metro area ...

Friday, December 12, 2008

On the Edge of night

On the Edge of night
Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Some haunting image I done conjured up LOL
So having been sick most of the week (see previous blog Under The Weather) to really get you in MY mood and frame of mind :) I've been confined to the house mostly and haven't really had the chance and capture some great images. (with the new camera)
I go out to my backyard.... what I affectionately now call my OUTBACK... meaning I go out back .
Anyways, I've actually been able to capture some nice images out there, as well as give me some more practice with my telephoto lens.
Be sure to click on the image for the larger view

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