Not too sure of the species name with this bird.
I used my favorite "bird" lens as I've nicknamed the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4 - 5.6 lens (NON I.S. {image stabilization for non photogs})
I'm normally NOT big on flash photography. But in certain circumstances I thought this shot, as well as a few I shot inside the brand new
McNeil Avian Center at the
Philadelphia Zoo warranted it.
I'm also now shooting in RAW mode since
Corel Paint Photo Shop Ultimate X2 FINALLY upgraded to recognize Canon Rebel XSi RAW convert formatting.
Since I started shooting RAW, it's like a whole new range of possibilities opened up. Whewwwwww.... photogs will appreciate the range in tones....
>>click VIEW ON BLACK click<< to see the large version
It's mostly natural lighting within the McNeil Avian Center, located within the Philadelphia Zoo.
If you're a bird lover...and photog... GET THERE YESTERDAY!!! :)
URBAN PERSPECTIVE photography...on bird watch :)