UrbanPerspectiV intro:

My photo
Philadelphia, Pa, United States
Welcome to UrbanPerspectiV BLOG. . Online Media ... all photography in this BLOG was shot by myself ... #Philly metro area ...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This Shot is Off the Roof !!

I'm glad I had the chance to capture this image before they got busy on the roof.
I've been wandering how I could tie Twitter into my photo experience. So I created an account there and starting trying out little things here and there.
But now I think I've come up with my own unique little web promotional campaign in conjunction with Twitter.
I couldn't see myself just mindlessly Twiting about "nothing", but with a little slick ingenuity, and my expert **chess psychology** I think I know how to attract more viewers to my {{{ BLOG }}} from Twitter.
If someone linked over from my Twitter post and is reading this.... then I'm on the right track :)
Anyways, hope you might consider becoming a follower of mine, either here on my URBAN PERSPECTIVE {{{ BLOG }}}, or on Twitter.
It's all about good photography in the URBAN PERSPECTIVE

**chess psychology** The mind tactics I use to lure my opponents into traps I've
set up during the course of the game. Subtle camouflages
(chucklin to myself), not everything appears to be what they
thought it would be

1 comment:

Bahiyah S. said...

This picture takes you to new heights. I like the definition of chess psychology. In life nothing is ever what it seems.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.