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Philadelphia, Pa, United States
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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sandra Bland #SandySpeaks #DayOfRage

AUG 8, 2015 ... Nationwide #DayOfRage demonstration organized by the Anon Intel Group 
Demonstrators gathered in unison throughout  various cities across the USA today 
 to bring awareness & demand justice in the Sandra Bland case

                                   Sandra Bland Legal Fund 

Locally, this demonstration was held @ Love Park in downtown Philadelphia

Community organization group Lehigh Valley Cop Block 
(pictured below)  gathered peacefully to help bring awareness 
to Sandra Bland's case  as well as to protest the 
                escalating cases of  increased usage of  lethal (police) force  against
mostly unarmed citizens. 

AUG 14, 2015

Hannah A Bonner .... pastor/clergy of the United Methodist Church has stood vigil @ the Waller County Jail  where Sandra departed this life ..... & brings us timely updates from "on scene" ... as well as inspiring quotes, & provocative vids of Sandra Bland  ...  keeping Sandra Bland's name & spirit alive in the name of Jesus Christ
TWITTER: @HannahABonner
Editor's Note: As a member of the United Methodist Church , I stand in solidarity with pastor Hannah A Bonner 
asking ... #WhatHappenedToSandraBland     #ConnectionMinistry 

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