UrbanPerspectiV intro:

My photo
Philadelphia, Pa, United States
Welcome to UrbanPerspectiV BLOG. . Online Media ... all photography in this BLOG was shot by myself ... #Philly metro area ...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Originally uploaded by RayBanBro66
Shot the following image on Easter Sunday 2010

Evidently there 's a skate troupe that meets up along this section of  Kelly drive in Philadelphia. Near the Philadelphia Art Museum.

The music was  provided by 
SunDaePhiladelphia .  "Real" House
spun mixes

To get the full effect of the vibe that afternoon. Listen to this random mix I selected from a SundDaePhiladelphia mix  along with an embedded  slideshow from that afternoon's  shoot

Now feat Astrid Suryanto-King Britt320 by Sundae

UrBanPerspectiV Photography

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