UrbanPerspectiV intro:

My photo
Philadelphia, Pa, United States
Welcome to UrbanPerspectiV BLOG. . Online Media ... all photography in this BLOG was shot by myself ... #Philly metro area ...

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I had the honor of  photoshooting 9  time published author Niama Leslie Williams, Ph.D.
and her companion ,  4 time author himself Rev. Joseph W. Massey.

Dr. "Ni" as she's affectionately called and Rev. Massey have just collaborated on their new memoir   "Ruby".  It is an exchange of poems, letters and essays between Rev. Massey and Dr "Ni". 

They chose this photo from that day's shoot to grace the cover of their  new memoir Click on the picture for the larger version , then have her autograph it at her next book signing :)

To purchase "Ruby"  or find out more about Dr. Ni just clik red Ruby  links throughout this Blog post

  or visit her  main website

"Blowing Up Barriers Enterprises" just click it

To really appreciate Dr. Ni's  prose/poetry ...you've GOT TO LISTEN to her as she reads excerpts from her memoirs.  It is truly a listening experience in the neo soul spoken word . There are plenty of archived shows of  Dr. Ni , and can be heard on her internet BLOG TALK RADIO show "Poetry , Prose & ANYTHING Goes with Dr. Ni."

ThanK You  Dr. Ni & Rev. Massey for ALL your support in my photog endeavors.

It is with gratitude I wish  YOU.... ALL THE BEST  with the release of this newly published Memoir as well as Blowing Up Barriers Enterprises and your tireless work for the community

UrbanPerspectiV  photography

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