.... suddenly without warning..............
.....some vision about an undergrnD Pulp fiction type Comix Book .......of Photographs .
Why not SUBSCRIBE in your RSS/GooGLE/YahOO reader today!!
...VoL #1 Transition
New "LOOK" & FEEL . .
A couple yrs back I remembered a shot in a club setting. It wasn't total pitch black, but a cherry KOOL AID like light ambiance filled the room. Snapped the above image Click on it to see
the FULL SCREEN Version :)
The original image came out SEVERELY UNDEREXPOSED . I saw the rawness in it & knew one day I would enhance it
Flash (no pun) forward 2 yrs later....
This BLOG (post) is the official NOD to #HIGO the new CD from PHilly's Own "The RooTs"

For better control of this new vision , I'm only affiliating with one or 2 advertisers. Currently I've integrated RealPlayer with the BLOG
U Get IT..........
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